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Pet sitters and cats lovers in Lux-city
Pawshake sitter since January 2024
5-10 years of experience
Active in the Pawshake Community
4 recurring guests
Last activeabout 2 months ago
Usually respondswithin 9 days
Last contacted6 months ago
Last booked5 months ago
About Vincent
Hello all,
My name is Vincent. I am a cat lover... I have 3 at home. Remus the social one, Vanille the shy one and Vic the adventurer. They are so different. I am found of them.
Let's say i am a cat experienced person ;)
Living in Luxembourg city in Belair and can come to your place to visit your beloved cats while you are on vacation, business trips, or anywhere actually...
I will take care of your pets as good as i would my own. I will - of course - give them fresh water, refill the food dispencer, and clean up the litter box everyday. But i will also cuddle, and play with them. Cats need attention and so shall i give it to them :) (a minimum of 30 minutes by passage).
You will receive daily news and photos of your beloved pet ;)
I also remain available when you have queries.
Hope to see you and your beasts soon.
See you soon
My name is Vincent. I am a cat lover... I have 3 at home. Remus the social one, Vanille the shy one and Vic the adventurer. They are so different. I am found of them.
Let's say i am a cat experienced person ;)
Living in Luxembourg city in Belair and can come to your place to visit your beloved cats while you are on vacation, business trips, or anywhere actually...
I will take care of your pets as good as i would my own. I will - of course - give them fresh water, refill the food dispencer, and clean up the litter box everyday. But i will also cuddle, and play with them. Cats need attention and so shall i give it to them :) (a minimum of 30 minutes by passage).
You will receive daily news and photos of your beloved pet ;)
I also remain available when you have queries.
Hope to see you and your beasts soon.
See you soon
Vincent offers ...
At Vincent's home
Vincent currently does not offer any services at their home.
At your home
Dog Walking
An experienced dog walker will pick up your dog from your home for a 30 min walkfrom €12 /walk, €7 /additional petOne home visit a day
Book a pet sitter to stop by your home to feed and play with your petfrom €12 /dayVincent can accept
CatsAll kinds
Cancellation Policy
Flexible Cancellation Policy
You will get a full refund if you cancel before 12:00pm one day before the booking.Availability
About Vincent's home
The residence
Medium outdoor area
What people say about Vincent
Overall rating
Profile accuracy
Treatment of animals
More about Vincent
I speak ...
I have experience ...
5-10 years of experience
... with rescue pets
... as volunteer with animal welfare
... with behavioural problems
... with grooming
I can administer injected medications
I can administer oral medications
I can offer emergency transport
Confirmed information
Email verified
SMS verified
Stripe verified
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UnavailableVincent is currently not available to accept new requests.
Always book via the Pawshake platform
Peace of mind
Your pet may need protection against unexpected life events. We offer a Peace of Mind Guarantee included in every booking made and paid through Pawshake.
We include a free Happiness Guarantee in every booking made and paid through Pawshake to make sure you and your pet get the best pet care experience possible.